Received my frame today, and couldn’t have asked for a better job. It, by itself, is pretty much art. Took a couple of weeks longer than expected to arrive, but well worth the wait. Customer service was quick to respond to questions as well. Overall two thumbs up.
Troy, | So happy! Received the replacement frame and wanted to show you. I'm so pleased, it looks great. Thank you so much for expediting the delivery.
I am so very happy with the frame and especially your Company's customer service policy and staff.
Again, thank you, I really appreciate how this was handled.
Julie, | pleasantly surprised Just want to say how pleasantly surprised we were to a) receive our frames in SUCH a prompt amount of time & b) to receive such great-looking frames!!!! We live in Dawson City & have no framing shops here. The closest one is in Whitehorse about 550km away. It is a nice shop but we were able to get both frames from you for the same price as one from Whitehorse & this made the difference between getting our work framed and not! So thank you very much for the good work & this will not be our last order!!!!
Erika Marzinotto, Dawson City | happy Thanks -- helpful info indeed. Today I got confirmation that my order's been shipped! WOW was that ever fast! Your production facility must be huge -- and super-busy. Thanks to everyone involved with completing/shipping orders. Lookin' forward to seeing these canvases!
Jooly, |